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Basic usage#

An entity for entity-router is nothing more than a TypeORM entity.

There are 3 steps to make and use an EntityRouter.

1. Creating your entities#

Every entities used by entity-routes should have an id property exposed through any route scope, so that they properly implement the GenericEntity.

1interface GenericEntity {
2 [k: string]: any;
3 id: string | number;

So a minimal implementation should look at least like this :

1export class AbstractEntity {
2 @Groups("all")
3 @PrimaryGeneratedColumn()
4 id: number;

And then you would make all your entities extends from this one, just like any other class inheritance with Typescript. You can learn more about TypeORM table inheritance here.

2. Creating an EntityRouter#

The @EntityRoute decorator creates an EntityRouter on the decorated entity.

Example :

1@EntityRoute({ path: "/users", operations: ["create", "update", "details", "list", "delete"] })
3export class User extends AbstractEntity {
4 @Groups("basic")
5 @Column()
6 name: string;

It takes two arguments, both optional. Complete definition here.

The first argument (EntityRouteArgs) defines your routes.

  • a string path, which will be the root path for all routes on that entity. Path should start with a "/".
  • an array of operations, which will enable matching CRUD actions. For example, adding create operation will lead to having a POST:/users route in the example above.

The second argument (EntityRouteConfig) defines the options passed to every routes on that entity.

If you don't wan't to write all basic operations everytime you just need to import & use CRUD_OPERATIONS. It looks like this.

1@EntityRoute({ path: "/users", operations: CRUD_OPERATIONS })

3. Usage#

After you have decorated every entities for which you want to create an EntityRouter and exposed their properties (with the @Groups decorator), you must register your routes on your node application.


Any maker should wrap the makeEntityRouters, so the arguments to pass (MakeEntityRouters) should remain the basically the same :

1const app = new Koa();
2const bridgeRouters = await makeKoaEntityRouters({ connection, entities, options });
3bridgeRouters.forEach((router) => app.use(router.instance.routes()));
Example with a Koa API

There are 2 built-in makers: makeKoaEntityRouters & makeExpressEntityRouters.

If your Node framework doesn't support classic middleware syntax (Express-like with (req, res, next) => void or Koa-like with (ctx, next) => void), you can make your own maker with your own custom ContextAdapter. TODO link

Route options#

Here are the options available :

1type EntityRouteOptions = {
2 defaultMaxDepthOptions?: JoinAndSelectExposedPropsOptions;
3 /** Default ListDetailsOptions, deep merged with defaultEntityRouteOptions */
4 defaultListDetailsOptions?: ListDetailsOptions;
5 /** Default CreateUpdateOptions, deep merged with defaultEntityRouteOptions */
6 defaultCreateUpdateOptions?: CreateUpdateOptions;
7 /** Default subresources options, deep merged with defaultEntityRouteOptions */
8 defaultSubresourcesOptions?: SubresourceMakerOptions;
9 /** Default subresources options, deep merged with defaultEntityRouteOptions */
10 defaultWriterOptions?: WriterOptions;
11 /** Allow soft deletion using TypeORM @DeleteDateColumn */
12 allowSoftDelete?: boolean;
13 /** Hook schema of custom functions to be run at specific operations in a request processing */
14 hooks?: HookSchema;
15 /** Middlewares to be pushed before requestContext middleware */
16 beforeCtxMiddlewares?: Function[];
17 /** Middlewares to be pushed after requestContext middleware */
18 afterCtxMiddlewares?: Function[];


There are multiple stages where you can set an EntityRouteOptions.

  1. You can set global options for your entity-routes by passing them to makeEntityRouters (or an implentation of it such as makeExpressEntityRouters) options key.
  2. You can then override the global options by passing a custom options object to the @EntityRoute decorator as 2nd argument.
  3. If you directly use a component's (such as RouteController, Reader or any other) method you can also pass just the options that are needed locally


You can retrieve the RouteMetadata registered by an @EntityRoute decorator by using the getRouteMetadata function.
